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MBS In The News

Last week …

New Tools Added To The ManageByStats Website

Hello & Welcome

In our weekly Bullpen this past Monday we mentioned a new, live series that will be happening one Tuesday a month. We may up the frequency, but for now you can join us live — in person if you’re in the Tampa area, online streaming if not — for a Q & A with our founder Philip Jepsen.

To get the announcements on those, and to watch the replays, be sure to join the MBS Users Group on Facebook. If you’re not a member already, click below and ask to join.

Join the MBS Facebook Users Group

ALSO … in other big, big news, the new Amazon series we mentioned last issue has kicked off and the first episode is up!


It’s called:

How To Hunt A Whale In The Amazon

Each week the series will tackle the question, “Does selling on Amazon in 2020 still work?”  Using proven techniques we’ll attempt to find out, guiding an Amazon novice on a journey from zero to, hopefully, hero.

Swim on over and give it a look. We have a feeling you’ll quickly become “hooked”.

Ohh! Badump-bump.

Anyway, this is going to be a fun adventure, with lots to be learned along the way. Click the link above to check out the first episode.

Meanwhile, enjoy this issue of ManageByStats This Week.



Next week we’ll have a big announcement for a hot new tool, but we can tell you it has everything to do with finding hot products to sell on Amazon.

To that end, did you know you already have a great tool in your ManageByStats that can help you find products? And did you know it’s free?

Waiting for you in the Catapult section of your main menu, is a tool we call Finder.

Finder is a product research tool that lets you search and filter products that are Best Sellers on Amazon.

Looking for top selling products on Amazon is likely one of your bigger challenges as an Amazon seller. Competition on Amazon is fierce. Finding great products to sell can take a huge amount of research.

Of the multitudes of product options, the most common refrain heard from Sellers is, “What can I sell on Amazon?” Of all the software you likely use to run your Amazon business, this simple yet effective tool for finding new products, Finder, is the perfect addition to round them out.

Use Finder to:

  • Get inspiration for product ideas.
  • Search for products in specific BSR ranges.
  • Evaluate competitor ASINs.
  • Look for products that meet desired Review criteria, both number of reviews and average rating.
  • Find products that fall within a certain price range.

And more.

Finder is available in your MBS right now. Learn how to use it in the Knowledge Base …

MBS Finder — Find Your Next Hot Product



We’ve talked about getting conversions for your Amazon listing in past issues; this issue we present an article on getting conversions in general. Nine tips that can be applied to any product listing, whether on Amazon, your own site, or wherever else you need to convert browsers and shoppers to paying customers …

9 Ways to Increase Your Site’s Conversions



Amazon’s search is increasingly featuring sponsored products, Amazon brands, as well as recommended products, instead of organic results. For many searches, there are only two organic results on the whole screen above the fold. Not until scrolling down past various recommended products do organic search results come up.

There’s a cliché that Amazon has infinite shelf space. Technically it does, as it can support a virtually infinite number of products since each has a zero marginal cost. However, most shoppers will only see a few options before making a purchase decision. Thus the number of products on the infinite shelf is not relevant – shoppers will, most of the time, only look at the first page of search results …

Amazon Demotes Organic Results in Search



Our Quote of the Week this week is from Chuck Norris, so we thought it appropriate to include some of our favorite Chuck Norris jokes here in the Humor section …

Chuck Norris uses a night light, not because he’s afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of him.

Chuck Norris built the hospital he was born in.

Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. It’s not dead, it’s just afraid to move.

When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he isn’t pushing himself up, he’s pushing the earth down.

Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.

Chuck Norris always knows the EXACT location of Carmen SanDiego.

Chuck Norris hit 11 out of 10 targets with 9 bullets.

Death once had a near-Chuck experience.

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

When the boogeyman goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.



“There is no finish line. When you reach one goal, find a new one.”

– Chuck Norris


To your success,

Your ManageByStats Team


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