Knowledge Base

MBS Retriever

MBS Retriever lets you do quick, easy, meaningful product research while searching on Amazon.

It runs in a Chrome Browser.

To get MBS Retriever, go to the Chrome store:

Get MBS Retriever

You can also click to get directly it in your MBS:

Note: having the latest version of Chrome is key for the best possible experience.  See the Updating Chrome section below.



Unless you're on Amazon, MBS Retriever shows greyed-out in your Chrome browser:



When you're on an Amazon page MBS Retriever becomes live:



For best results do two things when using Retriever:

  1. Use an Incognito window in Chrome.
  2. Don't log into Amazon.

Using an Incognito window means none of your search history will affect the results.

The same is true by simply going to without logging into your account.

To open an Incognito window in Chrome, click the three dots in the top right and choose "New Icongito window".  You'll then get a fresh browser window running in Incognito mode.

Then, to use Retriever, go to and a search on Amazon.  For this example we'll search "can opener" in the "All" category, for which you get results:



When you then click MBS Retriever you'll see a new info box with complete info on each search result:



ADs are shown as they appear on the page.  Information is returned for each product, for at-a-glance evaluation.

Add and remove columns with the column selector on the far right:

You can also double-click the Price and the Rank to get historical graph info on those metrics (note, this is only for MBS users):



Use the FILTER button to expand the header and set Min/Max and Exclude/Include values to constrain your results:


And use the Load Next Page button to see the next page of results, appended to the current results, and use the Download button to get a CSV output of the results.

Note: the Export option exports the results you have displayed in the interface.  For example, if you have 60 results displayed, those are the results that will be exported.


Note Also: You may run into an "NA" result.  When this happens it's because that info is not displayed on Amazon, and almost always has to do with the fact that the product is a product offered by a large brand, with a specific relationship with Amazon.  Available info will always be shown.



For the best possible experience update your Chrome browser.

To do this, in your Chrome Browser:

You'll see the progress indicator as Chrome updates ...

And when finished ...