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ManageByStats Launches New Marketing Division

Hello & Welcome

Welcome to a fresh new issue of ManageByStats This Week.

We’re launching a new marketing initiative, which will include many fun things, for both you, our current users, and potential new users alike. Our MBS family will grow as a result, and you’ll see more from us in terms of special events, informational videos and other cool, helpful stuff.

We’ve always been super helpful. We’re just going to stand up and show it more.

This week in Tips & New Stuff we’ve got tips on using the MBS product tagging system, in Seller Insight we offer 6 ways PPC can help boost your Ecomm biz, and in The World of Amazon we look at Amazon’s new “Top Brand” badge.




One of ManageByStats’ unique strengths is the options we give you for grouping and evaluating your data. We offer several ways to logically group products, then give you the tools to analyze and graph those groups for things like:

  • Profit
  • Sales
  • Costs
  • Conversion Rate
  • BuyBox%
  • Sales Rank
  • Ad Costs
  • Impressions

and much more.

One of the ways we let you group products is through SKU (Product) Tags. You can create and assign tags to each product, and then use those tags in any sort, filtering or graphing operation, as well as in statistics and when creating custom dashlets for your dashboards.

Tags are just one more way MBS gives you to intelligently organize and manage your products on Amazon.

How To Use Product Tags



Last week we devoted several sections to advertising. The entire digital marketing space has become more and more dynamic, and crafting an effective ecommerce strategy has become increasingly valuable.

To reinforce that, this issue we’d like to share some general PPC strategies.

More and more businesses and customers have gone digital, making pay-per-click (PPC marketing) more crucial than ever before.

Do you know that paid ads generate 65% more clicks than other commercial internet searches? By making simple changes in your ecommerce strategy, it will be easier to set yourself up for success …

6 Ways PPC Can Help Boost Your Ecommerce Business



The role brands play on Amazon has changed over time, driven by most consumers searching without mentioning a brand, which created the proliferation of private label brands; some launched by Amazon itself.

However, to appease established brands, the company has also made moves to help them more than others. The “Top Brand” badge experiment is the most recent …

Amazon’s New “Top Brand” Badge



Two broke and hungry best friends, Dave and John, go to a pastry shop.

Dave suddenly whisks three cookies into his pocket with lightning speed. The baker doesn’t notice.

He says to John, “See how clever I am? You’ll never beat that!”

John replies, “Oh yeah? Watch this.”

John says to the baker, “Give me a cookie, I’ll show you a magic trick!”

The baker hands him a cookie which he promptly eats. Then he says to the baker: “One more.”

The baker is getting suspicious but he gives him another cookie. John eats that one too.

Then he says again: “Give me one more cookie.”

The baker is getting angry, but gives him one anyway. John eats that one too.

Now the baker is really mad. He yells, “And where is your magic trick?!”

John points at Dave and says: “In that guy’s pocket!”



“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”

 – Sydney Harris


To your success,

Your ManageByStats Team


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